Age Well, Work Well: Relationship of Healthy Aging with Career Commitment and Bridge Employment Intentions among Pre-Retirees


  • Samia Khalid Senior Lecturer, Riphah Institute of Professional & Clinical Psychology, Riphah International University, Lahore, Pakistan.
  • Arooj Arshad Associate Professor, Riphah Institute of Professional & Clinical Psychology, Riphah International University, Lahore, Pakistan.



Bridge Employment Intention, Career Commitments, Healthy Ageing, Pre-Retirees


Old age is considered an achievement to complete the milestones of one's life. However, the aging population presents significant economic, social, and health challenges. There is a need to address these challenges by focusing on bridge employment after retirement and considering healthy aging an essential part of later life. This correlational research aims to study the relationship between healthy ageing, career commitment and bridge employment intention among pre-retirees. Sample of 308 older employees (M= 57.79, SD= 1.88) was selected from government educational sector of Lahore, Pakistan by using non probability purposive sampling technique. The measure included Attitudes to Ageing Questionnaire, The Occupational Commitment Scale, and Bridge Employment Intention Scale. Results indicate a significant positive relation of healthy aging with career commitment (r = .27, p< .05) and bridge employment intention (r = .17, p< .05) of pre-retirees. Inversely, employee’s education has significant negative relationship with healthy ageing (r = -.12, p< .05), career commitment (r = -.19, p< .01) and bridge employment intention (r = -.29, p< .01). Further, the mediation analysis through Hayes process macro model 4 revealed that career commitment mediates the relationship between healthy aging and bridge employment intention. The study provides a valuable insight and suggested that the organizations should value experienced employees for institutional growth and implement flexible work arrangements, continuous learning opportunities and health and wellness programs to promote work after retirement.


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How to Cite

Khalid, S., & Arshad, A. (2024). Age Well, Work Well: Relationship of Healthy Aging with Career Commitment and Bridge Employment Intentions among Pre-Retirees. Journal of Professional & Applied Psychology, 5(3), 434–443.