Exploring the Experiences of Teachers in Online and Face to Face Classes During the COVID - 19 Pandemic


  • Adeel Aizad MPhil Scholar, Department of Psychology, University of Jhang, Jhang, Pakistan.
  • Vicar Solomon Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Jhang, Jhang, Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Roman Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Jhang, Jhang, Pakistan.




COVID-19 Pandemic, E-Learning, Experiences of Teachers, Face-to-Face Learning


This qualitative study aimed to explore the experiences of teachers in online and face-to-face classes during the COVID-19 pandemic. The sample was consisted of seven teachers (n = 7) from Jhang, Pakistan, with diverse backgrounds in terms of age and academic disciplines. The data were collected through interviews, and inductive thematic analysis was conducted to identify common themes and patterns. The findings revealed several challenges and difficulties faced by teachers in online classes, including camera shyness, technological challenges, internet connectivity issues, lack of familiarity with online tools, equipment limitations, communication and engagement challenges, and cultural limitations. On the other hand, advantages of online classes were identified, such as increased reach and access to students and the introduction of new teaching methods. Teachers also highlighted the learning experience and adaptation in online classes, including learning new technology and tools and overcoming challenges to improve skills. The emotional and professional impact of online teaching was discussed, including concerns about job security, financial difficulties, decreased engagement and feedback, and a lack of recognition or rewards. Findings revealed challenges in online classes such as technological difficulties and lack of engagement, but also advantages such as increased reach. Teachers adapted by acquiring new skills but faced emotional and professional impacts. Comparisons with face-to-face classes highlighted accessibility challenges. Institutional support and ongoing training were crucial.


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How to Cite

Aizad, A. ., Solomon, V. ., & Roman, M. . (2024). Exploring the Experiences of Teachers in Online and Face to Face Classes During the COVID - 19 Pandemic. Journal of Professional & Applied Psychology, 5(2), 361–373. https://doi.org/10.52053/jpap.v5i2.290