Caring for Carers: Association between Care-giving and Quality of Life of Family Carers of Spinal Cord Injury Survivors in Pakistan


  • Neelam Bibi PhD Scholar, National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Naeem Aslam Assistant Professor, National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.



Caregivers, Caregiver Burden, Functional Dependence, Psychosocial Factors, Quality of Life


Caring for someone with a spinal cord injury (SCI) has always been a family endeavor in developed as well as developing countries like Pakistan. Majority of people with SCI need assistance of others to carry out daily life activities i.e., eating, self-care, transportation and this functional dependence of patients on their attendant affect Quality of Life (QOL) of caregivers. Present study was designed to find the relationship between caregiver burden, psychosocial factors and QOL among caregivers. Caregiver Burden Inventory-SCI and WHOQOL was used to measure study variables. Cross-sectional research design having purposive sampling technique was used to gather data from spinal units of various hospitals of Pakistan. Sample size includes N= 255 family caregivers of SCI patients. Correlation analyses were applied to find the relationship between psychosocial factors, caregiver burden and QOL. Results showed that caregiver burden was significantly negatively correlated with quality of life and positively correlated with care-giving hours, duration of injury, and number of helpers involved in care-giving process. Furthermore, female caregivers showed high level caregiver burden and low levels of quality of life as compared to male counterparts. Similarly, married persons scored higher on caregiver burden and whose patients had paraplegic nature of injury. In Pakistan, there are no respite care programs for carers, The abovementioned findings are helpful in planning psychotherapeutic interventions and tailored caregiver training programs to lessen the impact of caregiver burden on caregivers and to boost their quality of life.


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How to Cite

Bibi, N., & Aslam, N. . (2024). Caring for Carers: Association between Care-giving and Quality of Life of Family Carers of Spinal Cord Injury Survivors in Pakistan. Journal of Professional & Applied Psychology, 5(3), 394–409.