Social Media Addiction, Depression and Aggression in Young Adults




Aggression, Depression, Social Media Addiction, Young Adults


Social media platforms provide avenues for content sharing and online interaction. However, excessive usage, particularly among young adults, can lead to clinical challenges. The study aims to explore the relationships between social media addiction, depression, and aggression in young adults, specifically investigating whether depression serves as a mediator between social media addiction and aggression. Using a convenient sampling method, the study included 150 participants (got their own smartphone and use social media) aged 18 to 30 (88 men, 62 women). The researchers evaluated social media addiction using the Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale and assessed depression using the Beck Depression Inventory, and aggression was evaluated with the Puss Berry Aggression Questionnaire. Findings revealed significant positive connections between social media addiction, depression (r=.25, p<.01), and aggression (r=.26, p<.001), the relationship between depression and aggression is positively significantly as well (r=.35, p<.001). Depression mediates significantly between social media addiction and aggression as the direct and indirect effect are statistically significant. Notably, gender differences were observed, with women exhibiting significantly higher depression levels (M=19.31, SD=13.61, p<.01) compared to men. The independent sample t test for employment status shows that employed participants score high on depression (M=16.67, SD=14.32) and aggression (M=75.12, SD=15.93) but unemployed were slightly more addict of social media (M=16.46, SD=5.23). The study discusses implications for fostering positive societal changes by addressing social media addiction among young adults and enhancing awareness on how depression interplays between social media addiction and aggression. The results offer recommendations while acknowledging study limitations.


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How to Cite

Shahid, M. S. ., Yousaf, R. ., & Munir, H. (2024). Social Media Addiction, Depression and Aggression in Young Adults. Journal of Professional & Applied Psychology, 5(2), 276–285.