Job Satisfaction and Locus of Control in Mid-Career Professionals in Karachi, Pakistan




Gender Differences, Locus of Control, Job Satisfaction, Mid-Career Professionals


The current research was an attempt to explore the association between Job Satisfaction (JS) and Locus of Control (LOC). The gender difference in JS and LOC was also explored. For this study a sample of 421(211 males, 210 females) mid-career employees was drawn from Karachi, Pakistan.  It was hypothesized that (1) Internal LOC will be positively correlated with JS. (2) There will be gender difference in JS, and (3) there will be gender difference in LOC. The first hypothesis of the study was proved. Results indicated that there is positive correlation between JS and internal LOC however the gender difference is insignificant in both, JS and LOC in the sample under study (i.e., mid-career employees of Karachi, Pakistan). The findings of current study offer valuable insights into the factors that impact JS, providing practical recommendations for organizations looking to enhance employee engagement and productivity.


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How to Cite

Kamrani, F., Zia, A., & Mursaleen, M. (2024). Job Satisfaction and Locus of Control in Mid-Career Professionals in Karachi, Pakistan. Journal of Professional & Applied Psychology, 5(2), 384–390.