Impact of Alcohol and Opium Use on Aggressive Behavior in Substance Users


  • Fozia Bibi PhD Scholar, Department of Applied Psychology, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan.
  • Masood Nadeem Professor, Department of Applied Psychology, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan.
  • Umbar Tayyab PhD Scholar, Department of Applied Psychology, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan.



Aggressive Behavior, Alcohol Use, Opium Use, Substance Users


The aim of the study is to compare the aggression levels in male drug patients who were taking alcohol and opium. A sample of 54 male drug addicts used in this study to compare verbal and physical aggression, hostility and anger. The Buss Perry Aggression Questionnaire was used in this study. The results of the study show the significant difference between alcohol and opium when it comes to physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger, and hostility. The result shows that physical aggression was higher in alcohol addicts (M= 29.00) as compared to opium addicts (M= 22.70). Similarly, verbal aggression was significantly higher (M= 12.14) in alcohol addicts as compared to opium addicts (M= 11.57). Likewise, anger was also higher in alcohol addicts (M= 16.86) than opium (M= 14.96). Furthermore, hostility was also higher in alcohol addicts (M= 21.28) as compared with opium addicts (M= 20.04). The results are significant in spreading awareness and developing optimal treatment plans for substance users.  


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How to Cite

Bibi, F., Nadeem, M., & Tayyab, U. (2024). Impact of Alcohol and Opium Use on Aggressive Behavior in Substance Users. Journal of Professional & Applied Psychology, 5(2), 286–294.