Impact of Achievement Motivation on Academic Performance among University Students: Moderating Role of Satisfaction in Romantic Relationships




Academic Performance, Achievement Motivation, Satisfaction in Romantic Relationships


The aim of this study was to explore the impact of achievement motivation on academic performance as well as how romantic relationship satisfaction moderates this relationship among university students. For data collection, a survey research design was used. A sample of 300 university students was chosen using purposive sampling. Participants must be 18 years old and have completed at least 14 years of formal education. For comparison, engaged students were also included in the study. Married people were not included. After explaining the purpose of the study, informed consent was obtained. The Revised Achievement Motivation Scale (AMS-R) and the Relationship Assessment Scale were used to collect data (RAS). SPSS and Process Macro were used to analyse the collected data. Academic performance was found to be significantly positively correlated with achievement motivation. Satisfaction in a romantic relationship significantly moderated the relationship between hope for success and academic performance. The current study will assist future researchers in concentrating their efforts on this sensitive topic that is prevalent in our society.


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How to Cite

Batool, M., Ahsan, S. ., & Sohail, J. . (2024). Impact of Achievement Motivation on Academic Performance among University Students: Moderating Role of Satisfaction in Romantic Relationships. Journal of Professional & Applied Psychology, 5(2), 304–314.