The Imminent Mental Health Crisis and the Role Psychologists Can Play to Improve Occupational Health in Times of Coronavirus Pandemic in Pakistan


  • Hifza Rabbani House of Wellness
  • Yasir Masood House of Wellness



COVID-19; Mental health; Crisis; Awareness; Mental health practitioners


As expected, the uncertainty of the novel coronavirus has had a major impact on the mental health of the entire population of the world, whether it is in fear of contracting the virus, being stuck at home or being actually infected by it. This much has been proven by research as well but what can mental health practitioners do to combat this imminent threat on a large scale? To name a few, mobilizing their community to bring awareness to the general public and making mental health care easily available for the larger community can be done. The entire mental health community has to come together to bring about a massive change to tackle the crisis of mental health disabilities surging in a post COVID-19 world.


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How to Cite

Rabbani , H. ., & Masood , Y. . (2020). The Imminent Mental Health Crisis and the Role Psychologists Can Play to Improve Occupational Health in Times of Coronavirus Pandemic in Pakistan. Journal of Professional & Applied Psychology, 1(2), 93–97.