Social Appearance Anxiety, Psychological Distress and Quality of Life among Patients with Burn Injuries


  • Mureed Hussain Associate Professor, Department of Applied Psychology, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Tariq Principal, Quest College, Multan, Pakistan.
  • Mubashir Hussain Head of Department (Psychology), Quest College, Multan, Pakistan.



Burn Injuries, Psychological Distress, Quality of Life, Social Appearance Anxiety, Upper Limbs Burn Injuries


This study was aimed to investigate the relationship between social appearance anxiety, psychological distress and quality of life among patients with burn injuries. This cross-sectional study was conducted at public sector hospitals of Multan during February 2021 to November 2022. The sample of this study was consisted of 200 burn patients (90 males and 110 females) with upper limb injuries which were selected through purposive sampling. The age range of the participants was 16-40 years (M= 28, SD= 7.91). Social Appearance Anxiety Scale, Kessler Psychological Distress Scale and Health Related Quality of Life scales were used as data collection tools. The findings of this study revealed significant positive correlation between social appearance anxiety and psychological distress and negative correlation between these variables and health related quality of life. Results established that high ratio of social appearance anxiety and psychological distress leads towards lower quality of life. Similarly, female patients with upper limbs burn injuries showed higher level of social appearance anxiety and psychological distress and lower level of quality of life as compared to male burn patients with upper limbs burn injuries.


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How to Cite

Hussain, M. ., Tariq, M. ., & Hussain, M. . (2023). Social Appearance Anxiety, Psychological Distress and Quality of Life among Patients with Burn Injuries. Journal of Professional & Applied Psychology, 4(3), 418–428.