Demographic and Clinical Profile of Persons with Substance Abuse Disorder Attending Happy Life Psychological Services Islamabad, Pakistan


  • Naveed Sultan Chief Executive Officer, Happy Life Psychological Services (SMC-PVT) LTD, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Shabana Noureen Psychologist, Happy Life Psychological Services (SMC-PVT) LTD, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Anam Saher Psychologist, Happy Life Psychological Services (SMC-PVT) LTD, Islamabad, Pakistan.



Demographic and Clinical Profile, Happy Life Psychological Services, Mental Health Problems, Substance Abuse Disorder


Substance Abuse Disorder is a treatable mental health disorder that influences persons’ brains and behavior. It leads to an inability to control drug use, resulting in moderate to severe addiction. The research aims to study the demographic and clinical profile of persons with substance abuse disorders attending Happy Life Psychological Services (HLPS). A sample of 156 persons with substance abuse disorder was selected who were admitted to HLPS in the past two years. The study showed that 78.8% of persons with substance abuse disorder were males admitted at HLPS.  In the reported cases, smoking, tobacco, opioids, cannabis, amphetamines, sedatives, hallucinogens, alcohol, and cocaine use was significantly higher in males, but inhalant use was higher in females. Middle adults were the age group where drug addiction was higher and mental health problems were most evident. Even medical comorbidities and suicidal intentions seem higher in this specific age group. In addition, married persons experienced more personality, anxiety, depression, and psychotic disorders than unmarried persons. The study outcomes can be used at the broader level to control the use of drugs in developing countries like Pakistan. Everyone is responsible for controlling the easy accessibility of drugs within the country especially, the Anti-Narcotics Agency should perform a pivotal role in this regard.


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How to Cite

Sultan, N., Noureen , S. ., & Saher , A. . (2024). Demographic and Clinical Profile of Persons with Substance Abuse Disorder Attending Happy Life Psychological Services Islamabad, Pakistan. Journal of Professional & Applied Psychology, 5(2), 374–383.