Understanding Agile Practices for Job Satisfaction through Job Characteristics


  • Frasat Kanwal PhD Scholar, Department of Applied Psychology, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3156-7520
  • Dr Fatima Khurram Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Psychology, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan.




Agile Practices, Agile Project Management, Agile Software Development, Job Autonomy, Job Characteristics, Job Satisfaction


Usage of Agile Practices draws the attention to the adoption of these agile methods because of their significant contributions to high software quality and job benefits. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to look at the role of job characteristics in mediating the relations between agile practices; project management (PM), and software development approaches (SDA) and job satisfaction. Sample was 486 professionals working in the companies incorporating agile practices, to whom an online survey was administered during period of September 2021 using the Google Forms platform. Findings affirmed the claims that agile PM and SDA practices made professionals more satisfied with their jobs and this impact has been found further mediated by job characteristics. Results indicated that job characteristics like job autonomy and feedback mediated the agile PM practices and job satisfaction. While agile SDA practices and job satisfaction were explained significantly by all job characteristics i.e., feedback, task significance, skill variety, autonomy, and task identity. This study offers insights into agile approaches in project management and software development. This research reveals beneficial aspects of agile practices that influence job satisfaction in work environment.


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How to Cite

Kanwal, F., & Khurram, D. F. . (2022). Understanding Agile Practices for Job Satisfaction through Job Characteristics. Journal of Professional & Applied Psychology, 3(2), 208–217. https://doi.org/10.52053/jpap.v3i2.100